By JOHN from NEW YORK CITY on April 09, 2006
Category: TriNessa (Oral)




Don't play games. Go see a liver doctor as soon as you can. That medicine put 7 tumors on my liver. I have to go have a MRI done every 6 months. It's very serious because one day I might need a liver transplant. I don't want to get you upset and worry to much but you should see a doctor. Don't wait. Yours might be small enough that they could cut it off and depending where it is located. So there could be good news on your end. I just have so many that they have to watch. I hope this helps.

By Christina Vanderberg from Mississippi on January 24, 2014 | Reply |

blood clots in my lungs

my name is saime im 26 years old and i found out on july 13 2014 when i went to good samartain hospital for having shortness of breath,chest pain underneath my left breast and on top of my chest it felt like someone was seating on my chest and still feel it till this day soat the hospital they did test like urine test and x-rays,blood work,ekg,and saw nothing wrong so they told me there gonna do CT scan and go from there so an hour later the result came in and i was told they are addmitting me because they found 2 blood clots in my lungs they said its because of my birth control,so knoe i am on blood thinners i have done everything the doctors asked me to or medicine to take im scared i dont want to have a stroke im a mother of a 3 year old son, who know whats gonna happen to but it all happened because the doctor said its safe to take Watson birth control and never bothered to mention im risking my life because it caused blood clots in my lungs ......thank you for reading

By saime etemi from puyallup, washington on August 03, 2014 | Reply |

Daughter found collapsed due to Watson BC

Massive blood clot from knee to abdomen only five weeks after beginning Watson birth control. Vascular surgeon stated he had never seen anything like it. Two surgeries later, a balloon in her chest and daily coumadin, she lived. This has been a nightmare and I have been researching this drug and manufacturer for possible other victims. However, the big pharma companies attempt to monitor anything negative listed on the it has not been easy.
Any help will be appreciated

By C Lisa from Seattle, WA on September 17, 2014 | Reply |

Nora Be BC

Have you filed the class action lawsuit yet against Watson Pharmaceuticals? I am also wondering if this suit is in regards to A SPECIFIC BC or all of the BC pills Watson manufactures? I have been taking the Nora Be pill. It has completely ruined my entire life.
I am very interested in joining this suit. Please contact me via email and I will fill you and/or the attorney in on my situation. They will be extremely interested in what I have to say. Thank you

By MB from SLC, UT on March 01, 2015 | Reply |

Currently admitted to hospital

Was having trouble breathing so I went to the ER, had a CAT scan done to find out I had a saddle clothes in between my lungs, the doctor informed that he fully believed that this came from my birth control because otherwise I was a healthy adult.

By Teresa Berry from Muskegon, MI on March 06, 2015 | Reply |

Heart Attack at 29

I am 29 years old and started taking the birth control pill Mononessa a little over 14 months ago. About three months in, I started getting severe anxiety. I had heart palpitations constantly. On January 29th of 2015, I woke up in the middle of the night with intense pain in my left arm. I was immediately rushed to the hospital after being told I was having a heart attack. They found a blood clot in my chest, and I am now on a blood thinner and four other pills. Multiple doctors have told me that my heart attack was caused by my birth control. I'd never had any symptoms prior to that.

By Chelsea Carney from United States on March 11, 2015 | Reply |

Had a stroke at 32 after taking mononessa affected my speach

I am 32yrs.old and om Mon.Sept 21st 2015 I woke up and didnt feel right my right arm was numb and I was very confused I told my Mom there was something wrong with me and according to her I kept telling her it was my perfume but what I meant was my birth control pills my Mom knew something was really wrong with me and my boyfriend rushed me to the ER when I got there I didnt know my name or my boyfriends name.The DR.thought I had a stroke and after having an MRI it was confirmed that I did.It has affected my speech The Dr.said it most likely was from my birth control pills.I just had a baby in May my Dr put me on this birth contol Mononessa I took it for a month and it made me feel terrible.My Dr did not disscuss the side affects of this drug I dont smoke and I do not have high blood pressure she put me on Levora.I am now unable to work due to my speech I am a single mom with two kids and I cant get unemployment because you have to be able to work I dont know how long this will be and your bills dont stop coming.Please let me know if there is an recourse I can do.Thanks

By Lindsay Sears from Arvada Colorado on September 25, 2015 | Reply |

Mononessa caused 2 clots in my lungs and a dvt in my leg

Has a lawsuit been filed yet? I am also interested in filing. I'm 26 years old and was taking Mononessa for 5 weeks when I was hospitalized for bilat pulmonary embolisms in my lungs and a dvt in my leg leg. I was short of breath, had lots of pressure in my chest, my heart rate was through the roof, and I coukd not walk. If I hadn't gone to the hospital when I did, I would have stroked. They said this was caused from my birth control and to never take it again. I am now taking 5mg of Coumadin daily.

By Heather VanDyck from Springfield, MO on October 25, 2015 | Reply |


My 43 yr old niece had a stroke last month due to taking these birth control pills. They have had to implant a monitor she will have to have in for 3 years. Still has tingling in hand and has to go for speech therapy. Her obgyn did not tell her of the risks.

By Janet Pokrinchak from United States on November 26, 2015 | Reply |

Blood Clot 2/3 Size of Lung.

June 2015 I started taking Mononessa, The day I started the second package (30 days later) I felt a pain in my right back/hip area. I couldn't even put weight on it, I ended up taking 1500 mg of Tylenol and using a hot pad just thinking it was a muscle cramp or something. The next day I don't feel any pain in my leg, but I started to feel slight shortness of breath. The week went on and by Friday (5 days later) I was out of breath even when resting and my heart was racing. Normally my pulse was 60-70, but at rest it was 80 and walking was 110. I felt like someone was sitting on my chest all of the time.I went to urgent care thinking it was an infection or pneumonia, but it wasn't. They ran some tests and did a CT scan and the provider told me I had a massive Pulmonary Embolism, may have caused some bleeding into my lung and possible necrotic tissue. Now it's 5 months later and I'm still recovering and will probably never fully recover. Scary because PE's have a 1/4 chance of immediate death and cardiac complications. BE CAREFUL!

By Sarah Fisher from Spokane, WA on December 09, 2015 | Reply |

death because of blood clot in lungs

My name is lionel, after about a month into taking tri nessa birth control my wife started having chest pains an shortness of breath. She'd walk not even 5 feet an would be out of breath. She would cough an cough uncontrollably. She barley could stand for long periods of time which was very unusual given the fact that she worked multiple jobs. She couldn't keep food down for some strange reason. Before she took those pills she was a healthy 20 year old who worked an was very active. Unfortunately she passed due to what the doctor said was a blood clot in her lungs. The death certificate says pulmonary thromboembolism due to deep venous thrombosis. I believe that tri nessa birth control pills are the reason that not only myself but our kids an family and friends had an has to endure such a horrible loss of such a young,full of life,mother,friend,sister,daughter

By lionel citizen from dayton texas on December 22, 2015 | Reply |

blood clots in left leg & lungs

I was sent to the emergency room on Sunday December 27,2015. I had shortness of breath and excruciating pain in my left leg calf muscles. I was given a sonogram on my leg and had a cat scan, they found the main clot in my left leg and 2 smaller ones that traveled to the lungs. I had pulmonary embolism. Please contact me for consultation at 210-262-7706 &my; husband Ronnie Stevens 210-396-9735 by email

I am still in the hospital waiting on results as to when I will be discharged.


Victoria Stevens
9311 Wind Talker
San Antonio, TX 78251

By Victoria L. Stevens from San Antonio, TX on December 29, 2015 | Reply |

Saddle pulmonary embolus

I went to the dr on january 18th with severe pain in my robs on the right side they put me on antibiotocs next day i went to e.r because the pain was worse i was coughing up blood they ran no tests sent me home with cough medicine exactly one week later i went in by squad i coikdnt breathe and was coughong up even mors blood theu did a chest xray diabnoised me with pneumonia i went to my dr for follow up on feb 3rd he sent me straight to the hospital and had a chest ct done bevaise he said he couldnt hear pnpneumonoa

By Heidi from Zanesville , ohio on February 08, 2016 | Reply |

Saddle pulmonary embolus

I went to the dr on january 18th with severe pain in my robs on the right side they put me on antibiotocs next day i went to e.r because the pain was worse i was coughing up blood they ran no tests sent me home with cough medicine exactly one week later i went in by squad i coikdnt breathe and was coughong up even mors blood theu did a chest xray diabnoised me with pneumonia i went to my dr for follow up on feb 3rd he sent me straight to the hospital and had a chest ct done bevaise he said he couldnt hear pneumonia ths ct showed a large saddle embolism i was admitted to the hospital and started on shots to thin my blood i am home nkw and on blood thinners and the dr said i am not allowed to take my birth control nomore they feel thats what caised it i was on my 7th week of the pill and al.ost lost my life becausee of this medication "monessa" i have never have a blood clot in my life until nkw and im scaed to death somethings gonna happen to me i have a 4 month old daughter and she needs me i think this comoany shpuld pay for what their medociation has done to ppl .... Thanks to them i nkw cant breathe if i do the slightest bit of cleaning or playing with my daughter

By Heidi from Zanesville , ohio on February 08, 2016 | Reply |

Strike at age 32

On March 7,2016 I started talking Mono Nessa birth control pills one week after taking these pills I was rushed to the hospital for loss of speech and numbness on my right side..I didn't know what was happening but after having some test run i was admitted and flown to Atlanta because I had a blood clot on my brain that caused me to have a light stroke...I've never had a problem with high blood a mother of 3 kids and I've taken different birth control concepts before and I've never experienced such a frightening thing ever...Doctors told me to stop taking these pills immediately...I think something should be done about these pills they need to be taken off the market

By Taval Thomas from Columbus, GA on May 24, 2016 | Reply |


Hello I also had a stroke at 32 after taking these pills, I would love for us too get together and see what we can accomplish and get these pills off the market

By Taval Thomas from Columbus, GA on May 24, 2016 | Reply |

Blood Clot in Right Lung..PE

On June 6, 2016 Memorial day I went to the E.R with chest pain and right side pain and right side back pain. I couldn't breath.they did a x-Ray and a C-scan.after a couple of hours they determined that I had a blood clot in my right lung. Which was very surprising because I am not a smoker or I didn't travel any where or did not have any recent surgeries. When the doctor came to see me he asked me if I was on birth control. And I answered yes Trinessa Lo. He stated that that's where my PE came from and that I should stop taking it. I was in the hospital for 4 days. I was on this pill for three weeks only..and have been suffering residual effects of the P.E. for 3weeks now. Please email me if there is a claim against Watson & OMG pharmaceutical
Thank you

By Jennifer Grier from Rockford, IL on June 30, 2016 | Reply |

Blood Clot in Right Lung..PE

On June 6, 2016 Memorial day I went to the E.R with chest pain and right side pain and right side back pain. I couldn't breath.they did a x-Ray and a C-scan.after a couple of hours they determined that I had a blood clot in my right lung. Which was very surprising because I am not a smoker or I didn't travel any where or did not have any recent surgeries. When the doctor came to see me he asked me if I was on birth control. And I answered yes Trinessa Lo. He stated that that's where my PE came from and that I should stop taking it. I was in the hospital for 4 days. I was on this pill for three weeks only..and have been suffering residual effects of the P.E. for 3weeks now. Please email me if there is a claim against Watson & OMJ pharmaceutical
Thank you

By Jennifer Grier from Rockford, IL on June 30, 2016 | Reply |

Diagnosed with pulmonary embolisms at 26!

October 22 2016.
After 3 days of being very short of breath and feeling like an elephant was in my chest, couldnt get 3 words out without having to stop. I got to the hospital to get checked out. Whole time i was thinking it was just a cold from weather change. After blood work, x-ray, ct scan, the doctor comes in and sits down. Proceeds to tell me that i have pulmonary embolisms. Explained to me that i had a shower over my right lung an upper left lobe. I spent 3 days in the hospital. Being diagnosed with this has changed my life completly. I now have to be very careful with everything that i do. Its a scary thing knowing at any minute i could have a stroke or heart attack. Doctors infotmed mr this was all caused from my birth control that i have been taking for 9 months. I was otherwise a active healthy young adult. I now am no longer able to take my birth control and have had to change my life completly. This is not fair this is happening an i believe something should be done about it.

By Ashley Abbott from Delaware, USA on November 08, 2016 | Reply |


4/25/17 I started taking trinessa birth control up until 6/30/17 I ended up in the hospital with a blood clot in my left leg I've been on bedrest and out of work for about two weeks now on my leg is still in severe pain and my doctor never told me that I could possibly get a blood clot am 27 I don't smoke I'm pretty healthy I didn't think that a birth-control would affect me this bad until I started reading up about everyone stories about bad experience with birth-control not sure what I should do if you have any advice please email me back I would appreciate it.

Thank you

By Monica flowers from Los Angeles, CA on July 14, 2017 | Reply |

Gallbladder removal

I've been taking Trinessa for a few years, my Gyno switched me from Ortho-Tricyclein low after I wasn't able to afford that one and I just didn't go back. I started experiencing gallbladder attacks 5 years ago. Hours of pain, sometimes vomiting that didn't alleviate symptoms. Urgent care closed before 10 p.m. at the time, it still does now, and I was unable to get something for the pain. I had to get my gallbladder removed, one of the incisions was larger than normal because of a stone that was an inch big. I have gained 60-80 pounds due to this and continuing to take Trinessa. I'm going to get off it and treat my PCOS with more natural supplements. Hopefully, the weight will come off a bit easier. I'm tired all the time, have mood swings, I feel hopeless often. I'm hoping that this lawsuit is still going on so it can help me in the near future.

By Megan M. from Phoenix, AZ on July 19, 2017 | Reply |

Nora be

I have been on Nora be for 2 years and it is completely off the market unnoticed short of breath and other isssues trying to find out why

By Misti coker from Marrero louisiana on August 09, 2017 | Reply |

Extreme Chest pain and anxiety

I started taking Mononessa for about a year. I started to have extreme anxiety and bad chest pain. I was told by my primary provider that the pain was probably due to my anxiety. But the pain started to get worse. I decided to cut off the pills for a month to see if my symptoms went away and they did.

By Lindsey from Chicago, Il on August 14, 2017 | Reply |


I got 3 blood clots in the brain from taking Trinessa. Did you try filing a lawsuit. I'm trying to find people with similar situations.

By Rachael Breit on August 18, 2017 | Reply |

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