Praziquantel dosage for a 8-9 month old cat about 5 lbs

By Kelley on December 05, 2005
Category: Praziquantel

I have a 8 to 9 month old kitten who has tapeworms. How much of a dosage should she be given? They are 23mg pills. I have previously given her 1/2 of one 23mg pill about 2 1/2 months ago.

Thanks for your help,


dosing info for Praziquantel

Hi Kelley,

I too have the same issue. I've given this to my cats before but couldn't remember the dose.

This is what I found - good luck!

I recall only giving my cat one dose each time.

Droncit® Feline Cestocide Tablets may be administered directly per os or crumbled and mixed with the feed. The recommended dosage of praziquantel varies according to body weight. Smaller animals require a relatively larger dosage because of their higher metabolic rate. The optimum dose for each individual animal will be achieved by utilizing the following dosage schedule:
Cats and Kittens*

<table width="100%"><tbody><tr><td width="56%">

4 lbs. & under

</td><td width="44%">

½ tablet

</td></tr><tr><td width="56%">

5-11 lbs.

</td><td width="44%">

1 tablet

</td></tr><tr><td width="56%">

Over 11 lbs.

</td><td width="44%">

1½ tablets


*Not intended for use in kittens less than 6 weeks of age.

The recommended dosage of praziquantel is not affected by the presence or absence of food in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, FASTING IS NEITHER NECESSARY NOR RECOMMENDED.
RETREATMENT: For those animals maintained on premises where reinfections are likely to occur, clients should be instructed in the steps necessary to prevent reinfection; otherwise, retreatment may be necessary. This is especially true in cases of Dipylidium caninum infections where reinfection is almost certain to occur if fleas are not removed from the animal and its environment.

The safety index has been derived from controlled safety evaluations, clinical trials and prior approved use in foreign countries. Dosages of 5 times the labeled rate at 14 day intervals to cats as young as 5½ weeks did not produce clinical signs of toxicity. No significant clinical chemistry, hematological, or Histopathological changes occurred. Symptoms of gross overdosage include vomiting, salivation, diarrhea and depression.

There are no known contraindications to the use of praziquantel in cats.

By Cyndi from CT on December 22, 2006 | Reply |

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