Budeprion and hair loss

By Jean Sarson on November 03, 2005
Category: Budeprion SR (Oral)

I have been taking 150mg of budeprion for about a year. Recently I have begun to notice an increased hair loss and hair fragility (breaking and thinning) just above my temples.

My hair stylist suggested that hair loss like this could be due to medication side effects. I take allegra and budeprion daily plus QVar (allergy asthma) 2x a day. I also use restasis (dry eye medication) 2x per day.

Could one or all of these, iteractions between them be causing this problem?


restasis and hair loss

I have been using restasis for 2 years now. and have noticed substantial hair loss. I stopped taking it on a vacation for four days (becasue I forgot to bring it with me), and there was substantially less hair loss. Could there be a connection here?

By P. Cono from USA on July 03, 2007 | Reply |

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