Warfarin and the effects on erectionsBy Dave Cassidy from Grimsby UK on March 06, 2013 Category: WARFARIN (Oral) (Tablet) I have been taking warfarin now for 5 years. I also take allopurinol and simvastatin. I have factor 5 Leiden and have had multiple blood clots in both legs(2 left leg, 1 Right leg) and lungs (12 clots). My warfarin level has been set to between 3.0-4.0 and just had my mg intake of warfarin increased due to me having a new clot appear in my right leg. I currently take (mg) - 5(Sun),6(mon),6(tues),5(Wed),6(Thurs),6(Fri),5(Sat). Recently I have not been able to maintain an erection for more than a few seconds and it is starting to effect my sex life with my wife. This has been going on for awhile now but cannot pluck up the courage to see my doctor about it. I used to take 4's and 5's mg per day and since the increase my erection problems have got worse to the point now, I can no longer maintain one at all - my penis no longer becomes erect but half erect and not solid at all. Is it the warfarin that is effecting this and what can I do to correct this. I need help before this wrecks my marriage because my wife has a very high sex drive. |
INR LevelSorry that should have said my INR level has been set to 3.0 - 4.0. Thank You By Dave Cassidy from Grimsby UK on March 06, 2013 | Reply | Write a Reply |