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Classification: Lung surfactant Action/Kinetics: Beractant, derived from natural bovine lung extract, contains phospholipids, fatty acids, neutral lipids, and surfactant-associated proteins (to which colfosceril palmitate, tripalmitin, and palmitic acid are added). The proteins in the product--SP-B and SP-C--are hydrophobic, low molecular weight, and surfactant associated. Beractant replenishes pulmonary surfactant and restores surface activity to the lungs of premature infants to reduce respiratory distress syndrome. Intended for intratracheal use only. Significant improvement is observed in the arterial-alveolar oxygen ratio and mean airway pressure. Significantly decreases the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome, mortality due to respiratory distress syndrome, and air leak complications. Uses: Prevention and treatment (``rescue'') of respiratory distress syndrome (hyaline membrane disease) in premature infants. Special Concerns: Beractant can quickly affect oxygenation and lung compliance; thus, use only in a highly supervised setting with immediate availability of physicians experienced with intubation, ventilator management, and general care of premature infants. Side Effects: Commonly, side effects are associated with the dosing procedure and include transient bradycardia, oxygen desaturation, ET tube reflux, vasoconstriction, pallor, hypotension, hypertension, ET tube blockage, hypocarbia, hypercarbia, and apnea. Other symptoms include intracranial hemorrhage rales, moist breath sounds, and nosocomial sepsis. Overdose Management: Symptoms: Acute airway obstruction. How Supplied: Intratracheal Injection: 25 mg/mL