Aminophylline (Truphyllin)
Pregnancy Category: C
Jaa Aminophylline
Classification: Bronchodilator
See Also: See also
[. ]
Action/Kinetics: Contains 79%
Additional Uses: Neonatal apnea,
respiratory stimulant in Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Parenteral form has been used for
biliary colic and as a cardiac stimulant, a diuretic, and an adjunct in treating CHF,
although such uses have been replaced by more effective drugs.
Special Concerns: Use with
caution when aminophylline and sodium chloride are used with corticosteroids or in clients
with edema.
Additional Side Effects: The
ethylenediamine in the product may cause exfoliative dermatitis or urticaria.
How Supplied:
25 mg/mL;
Oral Solution: 105 mg/5 mL;
Suppository: 250 mg, 500 mg;
100 mg, 200 mg
Oral Solution, Tablets
Bronchodilator, acute attacks, in clients not
currently on theophylline therapy.
Adults and children up to 16 years of age, loading dose: Equivalent of 5-6 mg of
anhydrous theophylline/kg.
Bronchodilator, acute attacks, in clients currently receiving theophylline.
Adults and children up to 16 years of age: If possible, a serum theophylline level
should be obtained first. Then, base loading dose on the premise that each 0.5 mg
theophylline/kg lean body weight will result in a 0.5-1.6-mcg/mL increase in serum
theophylline levels. If immediate therapy is needed and a serum level cannot be obtained,
a single dose of the equivalent of 2.5 mg/kg of anhydrous theophylline can be given.
Maintenance in acute attack, based on equivalent of anhydrous theophylline.
Young adult smokers: 4 mg/kg q 6 hr;
healthy, nonsmoking adults: 3 mg/kg q 8
geriatric clients or clients with cor pulmonale: 2 mg/kg q 8 hr;
with CHF or liver failure: 2 mg/kg q 8-12 hr.
Pediatric, 12-16 years: 3 mg/kg q
6 hr;
9-12 years: 4 mg/kg q 6 hr;
1-9 years: 5 mg/kg q 6 hr;
6-12 months:
Use the formula: dose (mg/kg q 8 hr) = (0.05) (age in weeks) + 1.25;
up to 6
months: Use the formula: dose (mg/kg q 8 hr) = (0.07) (age in weeks) + 1.7.
Chronic therapy, based on equivalent of anhydrous theophylline.
Adults, initial: 6-8 mg/kg up to a maximum of 400 mg/day in three to four divided
doses at 6-8-hr intervals;
then, dose can be increased in 25% increments at 2-3 day
intervals up to a maximum of 13 mg/kg or 900 mg/day, whichever is less.
initial: 16 mg/kg up to a maximum of 400 mg/day in three to four divided doses at 6-8
hr intervals;
then, dose may be increased in 25% increments at 2-3 day intervals up
to the following maximum doses (without measuring serum theophylline):
16 years and
older: 13 mg/kg or 900 mg/day, whichever is less;
12-16 years: 18 mg/kg/day;
years: 20 mg/kg/day;
1-9 years: 24 mg/kg/day;
up to 12 months, Use the
following formula: dose (mg/kg/day) = (0.3) (age in weeks) + 8.0.
Enteric-Coated Tablets
Bronchodilator, chronic therapy, based on
equivalent of anhydrous theophylline.
Adults, initial: 6-8 mg/kg up to a maximum of 400 mg/day in three to four divided
doses at 6-8-hr intervals;
then, dose may be increased, if needed and tolerated, by
increments of 25% at 2-3 day intervals up to a maximum of 13 mg/kg/day or 900 mg/day,
whichever is less, without measuring serum theophylline.
Pediatric, over 12 years of
age, initial: 4 mg/kg q 8-12 hr;
then, dose may be increased by 2-3 mg/kg/day
at 3-day intervals up to the following maximum doses (without measuring serum levels):
years and older: 13 mg/kg/day or 900 mg/day, whichever is less;
12-16 years: 18
For use as a bronchodilator for loading doses and for maintenance in acute attacks, see
doses for oral solution and tablets.
IV Infusion
Bronchodilator, acute attacks, for clients not currently on
Adults and children up to 16 years, loading dose based on anhydrous theophylline: 5
mg/kg given over a period of 20 min.
Bronchodilator, acute attack, for clients currently on theophylline.
Adults and children up to 16 years, loading dose based on anhydrous theophylline: If
possible, a serum theophylline level should be obtained first. Then, base loading dose on
the premise that each 0.5 mg theophylline/kg lean body weight will result in a 0.5-1.6
mcg/mL increase in serum theophylline levels. If immediate therapy is needed and a serum
level cannot be obtained, a single dose of the equivalent of 2.5 mg/kg of anhydrous
theophylline can be given.
Maintenance for acute attacks, based on equivalent of anhydrous theophylline.
Young adult smokers: 0.7 mg/kg/hr;
nonsmoking, healthy adults: 0.43
geriatric clients or clients with cor pulmonale: 0.26 mg/kg/hr;
with CHF or liver failure: 0.2 mg/kg/hr.
Pediatric, 12-16 years, nonsmokers: 0.5
9-12 years, 0.7 mg/kg/hr;
1-9 years, 0.8 mg/kg/hr;
up to 1
year, Based on the following formula: dose (mg/kg/hr) = (0.008) (age in weeks) + 0.21. |