Sexual Issues



To whom it may concern, I am a 30 year old gay male and my partner has the hardest time cumming. It can fuck me for like 2 hours and never cums. He is getting aggrivated and fustrated with himself. He has told me no one else ever cared if he came, I d...
by Brian in UNITED STATES, 01/24/2007

UTI's and Sex

Hi I am a female, 57 years old. There is one paticular man in my life that I see Occassionally. We are a bit more than friends and always end up having sexual relations when we do get to see each other. The last 2 times I had sex with him, I got ...
by Julie in RI, United States, 03/05/2009

Possible Phimosis in uncircumcised male

I was born uncircumcised and I don't know whether or not I'm having a problem. I can retract my foreskin enough to pee, but I cannot retract it passed the glans without pain. I am 18 years old and have not yet been involved sexually. Is there any proc...
by bob in CA, 04/03/2006

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