Cancer Therapies
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Site Listings
- A guide to using alternative cancer treatments
- Alternative Cancer Treatments
- Alternative Cancer Treatments
- Angiogenesis Foundation
- Cancer Healing Choices - focus is on mind, body and spirit healing of cancer and stimulating the body's ability to fight any type of cancer. Doctors and healers available
- Cancer Treatment Centers of America: Complimentary Alternative Treatment Options - Offers information on nutritional therapy, pain management, naturopathic medicine, mind-body medicine, physical therapy and spiritual support services
- - comprehensive cancer and immunological information portal to provide visitors with alternative therapies, nutritional supplements, and links
- CancerProtocol - provides treatment regimens combining anti-angiogenesis therapy and low dose chemotherapy
- M. D. Anderson Cancer Center - Alternative Medicine Education - Obtain information on alternative medical treatment for cancer from the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Alternative Medicine Education Resources
- Mitchell: Cancer Resources - Links to a number of sites which often have an alternative therapy orientation
- National Association for Proton Therapy - promotes the therapeutic benefits of proton therapy for cancer treatment
- Sage Partners - Sells Haelan fermented soy beverage.?Research, chemistry and testimonials about Haelan's alleged anti-cancer effects
- Target Tumors - provides information on molecularly targeted cancer therapies used in the treatment of solid tumors. Contains streaming video programs, transcripts, and articles
- The Annie Appleseed Project - Complementary, alternative, natural therapies from the cancer patient perspective. Offering relevant studies, meeting summaries, many links, guide to healthcare providers, clinics, treatments, and tips and techniques
- The Moss Reports - Customized reports by Dr. Ralph Moss on alternative and complementary treatments available for Cancer
- Waisbren Clinic - discusses potential complications from Hepatitis B and Lyme Disease vaccines. Also includes an essay on the use of immunotherapy in cancer treatment