MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable)
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MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) Drug and Prescription Information
MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable)
MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) Medication Classification
MITOMYCIN (Injection)
MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) Brandname
MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) is used for the Treatment
Mitomycin (mye-toe-MYE-sin) Usually used with other medicines to treat stomach cancer, pancreas cancer, and other kinds of cancer.
When To Not Use MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable)
You should not be given this medicine if you have had an allergic reaction to mitomycin or if you have a bleeding or blood-clotting problem.
How Should You Use MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable)
- This medicine, like all medicines used to treat cancer, is very strong. Make sure you understand why you are getting it and what the risks and benefits of treatment are. It is important for you to work closely with your doctor.
- Your doctor will decide how much medicine you should have and when it will be given.
- Your medicine will be given through a tube put in one of your veins, usually in your arm, wrist, or hand and sometimes in your chest. This is called intravenous (in-tra-VEEN-us), or IV.
- A nurse or other caregiver trained to give cancer drugs will give your treatment. If a dose is missed:
- This medicine needs to be given on a regular schedule. If you miss a dose, call your doctor, home health caregiver, or the clinic where you have your treatments for instructions.
Proper MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) Storage
Store MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) at room temperature away from sunlight and moisture unless otherwise stated by manufacturer's instructions or labelling. Keep MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) and all medications out of the reach of children.
What To Avoid While Using MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable)
Ask your doctor or pharmacist before using any other medicine, including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products.
- You should not use aspirin or any product that has aspirin it (such as some cold medicines) unless you have talked to your doctor.
- Talk to your doctor before getting any vaccines (such as flu shots).
MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) Warnings
- Do not breastfeed while you are being given this medicine.
- If you start to have pain, redness, or swelling on the area of your skin where the IV is given, tell your nurse or caregiver right away.
- You may get infections more easily while getting this medicine. Stay away from crowds or people with colds, flu, or other infections.
- This medicine can cause nausea and vomiting. Your doctor may prescribe medicine to keep you from feeling sick and throwing up. If the medicine does not help (you can't keep liquids down), call your doctor.
- This medicine may make your mouth sore and irritated. Keep your mouth clean to prevent infections. Brush your teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush or mouth swab. Try to eat soft foods, and avoid eating salty foods.
- Do not get pregnant while you or your sexual partner are receiving mitomycin. Use an effective form of birth control while you are being treated with this medicine.
- If you are pregnant, talk to your doctor before you start your treatments.
- Some cancer drugs may make you sterile (unable to have children), whether you are a man or woman. If you plan to have children someday, talk with your doctor before you start your treatments.
MITOMYCIN (Injection) (Injectable) Side Effects
Call your doctor right away if you notice any of these side effects:
- Fever, chills, or sore throat
- Unusual bleeding or bruising
- Pain, redness, or swelling where the IV is given
- Decrease in urine (urinating less than one cup daily)
- Trouble breathing, swelling feet and ankles
- Painful mouth sores that keep you from drinking liquids
- Hives, rash, or severe itching If you notice these less serious side effects, talk with your doctor:
- Loss of appetite
- Stomach cramps
- Hair loss