Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection)

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Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) Drug and Prescription Information

Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection)

Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) Medication Classification


Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) Brandname

Epipen Auto-Injector, Epipen 2-Pak Auto-Injector, Epipen Jr 2-Pak Auto-Injector, Epipen Jr Auto-Injector

Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) is used for the Treatment

Treats a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in an emergency situation.

When To Not Use Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection)

There is no reason not to use this medicine in a person who is having a severe allergic reaction, because anaphylaxis can be life-threatening.

How Should You Use Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection)


  • This medicine is prescribed for people who have a history of severe allergic reaction to insect bites, foods, drugs, or other allergens, as well as exercise-induced anaphylaxis.
  • When your doctor first prescribes this medicine, you will be taught how and where to inject it in case of a severe allergic reaction.
  • This medicine comes in an auto-injector syringe and needle kit that contains the correct dose of medicine your doctor has prescribed for you.
  • It may be necessary to use more than one injection in the case of a persistent reaction.
  • This medicine is NEVER to be injected into a vein or into the muscles of your buttocks. Inject epinephrine ONLY into the muscle on the outside of your thigh.
  • Carry this medicine with you at all times for emergency use in case you have a severe allergic reaction.
  • Make sure family members or other companions know how to inject the medicine in case you are unable to do it yourself during an allergic reaction.

Proper Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) Storage

Store Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) at room temperature away from sunlight and moisture unless otherwise stated by manufacturer's instructions or labelling. Keep Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) and all medications out of the reach of children.

What To Avoid While Using Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection)

Ask your doctor or pharmacist before using any other medicine, including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products.

  • Before using this medicine, make sure your doctor knows if you are also using digoxin (Lanoxin®), quinidine, an MAO inhibitor (such as Eldepryl®, Nardil® or Parnate®), or a tricyclic antidepressant (such as Elavil®).

Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) Warnings

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before using this medicine.
  • Make sure your doctor knows if you have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or an overactive thyroid before you use this medicine.
  • Side effects from this medicine may be more likely to occur in older adults and in children. However, the allergic reaction could be life-threatening and should be treated even at the risk of side effects.
  • Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency. Go to an emergency room as soon as possible, even if you feel better after using epinephrine.

Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) Side Effects

Call your doctor right away if you notice any of these side effects:

  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness or weakness
  • Fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Nervousness or anxiety
  • Pale skin
  • Shakiness
  • Sweating
  • Trouble breathing

Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection) Ratings

Overall Rating:



(based on 2 reviews)



Ease of Use:


Overall Satisfaction:




Epipen Jr Auto-Injector (Injection)

Effectiveness: *

Ease of Use: *****

Overall Satisfaction: **


Sarah, Sarah - 01/11/2014

Andy, It will be real interesting to see if the ciritc acid injection system works ..seems like it would work well. However, on a growing plant, I think I would not go below a 6.0. You want subtle change, not sudden change. If the 4.0 is too low, you risk losing your plants if it balances the soil out to just right and your plants suddenly start to thrive, you risk splitting your pumpkin. I would especially try to put a more balanced ph of 6.5 to 7 on your leaves. The 4.0 might work well to balance the soil out well ahead of the plant or during off season. Just my opinion gradual changes have worked well in my patch sudden changes haven't.Ron