Penbutolol sulfate

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Penbutolol sulfate
Penbutolol sulfate (Levatol)
Penbutolol sulfate
(pen- BYOU-toe-lohl)
Pregnancy Category: C Levatol (Rx)

Classification: Beta-adrenergic blocking agent

See Also: See also Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agents .

Action/Kinetics: Has both beta-1- and beta-2-receptor blocking activity. It has no membrane-stabilizing activity but does possess minimal intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. High lipid solubility. t 1/2: 5 hr. 80%-98% protein bound. Metabolized in the liver and excreted through the urine.

Uses: Mild to moderate arterial hypertension.

Contraindications: Bronchial asthma or bronchospasms, including severe COPD.

Special Concerns: Dosage has not been established in children. Geriatric clients may manifest increased or decreased sensitivity to the usual adult dose.

How Supplied: Tablet: 20 mg

?Tablets Hypertension.
Initial: 20 mg/day either alone or with other antihypertensive agents. Maintenance: Same as initial dose. Doses greater than 40 mg/day do not result in a greater antihypertensive effect.

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