Nedocromil sodium

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Nedocromil sodium
Nedocromil sodium (Tilade)
Nedocromil sodium
(neh- DAH-kroh-mill)
Pregnancy Category: B Mireze Tilade (Rx)

Classification: Antiasthmatic

Action/Kinetics: Inhibits the release of various mediators, such as histamine, leukotriene C 4, and prostaglandin D 2, from a variety of cell types associated with asthma. Has no intrinsic bronchodilator, antihistamine, or glucocorticoid activity; also, systemic bioavailability is low. t 1/2: 3.3 hr. About 89% bound to plasma protein; excreted unchanged.

Uses: Maintenance therapy in adults and children (age two and older) with mild to moderate bronchial asthma.

Contraindications: Use for the reversal of acute bronchospasms, especially status asthmaticus.

Special Concerns: Use with caution during lactation. Safety and efficacy have not been established in children less than 12 years of age. Has not been shown to be able to substitute for the total dose of corticosteroids.

Side Effects: Respiratory: Coughing, pharyngitis, rhinitis, URTI, increased sputum, bronchitis, dyspnea, bronchospasm. GI tract: N&V;, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, dry mouth, diarrhea. CNS: Dizziness, dysphonia. Skin: Rash, sensation of warmth. Body as a whole: Headache, chest pain, fatigue, arthritis. Miscellaneous: Viral infection, unpleasant taste.

Laboratory Test Alterations: ALT.

How Supplied: Metered dose inhaler: 1.75 mg/inh

?Metered Dose Inhaler Bronchial asthma.
Adults and children over 12 years of age: Two inhalations q.i.d. at regular intervals in order to provide 14 mg/day. If the client is under good control on q.i.d. dosing (i.e., requiring inhaled or oral beta agonist no more than twice a week or no worsening of symptoms occur with respiratory infections), a lower dose can be tried. In such instances, reduce the dose to 10.5 mg/day (i.e., used t.i.d.); then, after several weeks with good control, the dose can be reduced to 7 mg/day (i.e., used b.i.d.).

Nedocromil sodium Ratings

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Nedocromil sodium

Effectiveness: ****

Ease of Use: **

Overall Satisfaction: ****


Jonas, Jonas - 01/14/2014

Dear Masood,In all probabilities you are sufnerifg from seasonal bronchial asthma. Your problem was responsive to the drugs as mentioned by you which become ineffective on the period of time. There may be many reasons to explain this situation; 1. Progression of disease, 2. Increase exposure to trigger factors, 3. Concomitant administration of medicines which are increasing asthma severity, 4. Change in environment at your home or at your workplace. You should consult all such possibilities with your treating chest physician.