| Reviews 

Pain In Arms and Gemfibrozil
My Husband has complained profusly about having pains in his arms since taking Gemfibrozil. I was wondering if that was a normal side effect. If so, what should he do?
by Anonymous in Carthage,MS, 08/09/2006
Pain in both sides of my lower back after using Novo-Gemfibrozil
I have been taking Novo-Gemfibrozil for the past 2 years and resently I have developed lower back pains on both sides. My dosage is 1 pill of 600 mg per day. I have not been able to tolerate without the same side effects other brand name lowering chol...
by Merlin Geller in West Palm Beach, Florida, 01/11/2006
Classification: Antihyperlipidemic Action/Kinetics: Gemfibrozil, which resembles clofibrate, decreases triglycerides, cholesterol, and VLDL and increases HDL; LDL levels either decrease or do not change. Also, decreases hepatic triglyceride production by inhibiting peripheral lipolysis and decreasing extraction of free fatty acids by the liver. Also, gemfibrozil decreases VLDL synthesis by inhibiting synthesis of VLDL carrier apolipoprotein B as well as inhibits peripheral lipolysis and decreases hepatic extraction of free fatty acids (thus decreasing hepatic triglyceride production). May be beneficial in inhibiting development of atherosclerosis. Onset: 2-5 days. Peak plasma levels: 1-2 hr; t 1/2: 1.5 hr. Nearly 70% is excreted unchanged. Uses: Hypertriglyceridemia (type IV and type V hyperlipidemia) unresponsive to dietary control or in clients who are at risk of pancreatitis and abdominal pain. Reduce risk of coronary heart disease in clients with type IIb hyperlipidemia who have not responded to diet, weight loss, exercise, and other drug therapy. Contraindications: Gallbladder disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, hepatic or renal dysfunction. Special Concerns: Use with caution during lactation. Safety and efficacy have not been established in children. The dose may have to be reduced in geriatric clients due to age-related decreases in renal function. Side Effects: GI: Cholelithiasis, abdominal or epigastric pain, N&V;, diarrhea, dyspepsia, constipation, acute appendicitis, colitis, pancreatitis, cholestatic jaundice, hepatoma. CNS: Dizziness, headache, fatigue, vertigo, somnolence, paresthesia, hypesthesia, depression, confusion, syncope, seizures. CV: Atrial fibrillation, extrasystole, peripheral vascular disease, intracerebral hemorrhage. Hematopoietic: Anemia, leukopenia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, bone marrow hypoplasia. Musculoskeletal: Painful extremities, arthralgia, myalgia, myopathy, myasthenia, rhabdomyolysis, synovitis. Allergic: Urticaria, lupus-like syndrome, angioedema, laryngeal edema vasculitis, anaphylaxis. Dermatologic: Eczema, dermatitis, pruritus, skin rashes, exfoliative dermatitis, alopecia. Ophthalmic: Blurred vision, retinal edema, cataracts. Miscellaneous: Increased chance of viral and bacterial infections, taste perversion, impotence, decreased male fertility, weight loss.
Laboratory Test Alterations:
Drug Interactions:
How Supplied: Tablet: 600 mg