Cloxacillin sodium
Questions | Reviews
Cloxacillin and drug reaction
I have had my knee replacement removed because of infection. I have been on Cloxacillin since April 2011 intraveneously. I am also on anticoagulants, namely coumidin. At present my INR is 1.4 - 1.3 and has been dropping for the past month. I am taking...
by penny holosko in Terrace B.C.Canada, 07/27/2011
Does cloxacillin contain penicillin?
I have a deadly allergy to penicillin. I was recently given some cloxacillin capsules to take for an eye infection. Is cloxacillin a type of penicillin? The tablets I have are called Lincox 500, and the only ingredient it says on the packaging is clox...
by davy in Bangkok, Thailand, 05/12/2011
uses of cloxacillin sodium
why use cloxacillin instead of other antibacterial product. how to use this product and what is the use of this product. what are the specific diseases cured by this product?
by liamor inderio in cebu, philippines, 07/01/2010
how long are the cloxacillin good for after getting them?
just wondering how long can i hold on to this med and can be use on a later date?
by stacy in stockholm sask. canada, 10/02/2007