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BIOCLUSIVE Dressing!!!!!!
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Feb 12, 2007, 12:47 AM

Post #1 of 2 (12 views)
BIOCLUSIVE Dressing!!!!!! Quote | Reply

Hello everyone, extremely important information about the Bioclusive dressings .....

This is very important information for everyone that is having problems with the Fentanyl patches; Jensen, Mylan, etc. sticking and are using the Bioclusive dressings supplied by Johnson & Johnson (Jensen) to secure them. Today I tried to re-order my supply from Jensen and was asked to supply code numbers off of the Jensen Fentanyl patch box to assure them that it was to be used with their product. I was told that I could also find the needed code numbers from a patch package. Of course, having been given Mylan patches like everyone else who has insurance picking up the tab I couldn't supply the proper code numbers and was refused a re-order of the dressing.

I contacted Mylan to see if they offered the dressings and was told by *the only one doing Fentanyl research AND support at Mylan Laboratories Inc.* that they were not supplying dressings at this time because they were still gathering data on how large of a problem it is and how well their product works. They said "Even Jensen went several months assessing the problem before providing the dressing to correct it". I told her that with my oily skin and with the aquatic's I'm supposed to do the patches would not hold and I need extra sticking power. She told me .... And I quote this ..... "Well, the only thing I can tell you in the mean time is to buy some medical tape and go along the edges of the pad to stick the edges really well. That should take care of the problem."

As you can see, we are in trouble. The insurance companies will *not* pay for the Jensen patches now since the Generic patches have hit the market, the Generic patch companies are not supplying Bioclusive dressings for several months while they evaluate the sticking potential of their new product, and Jensen will *not* supply Bioclusive dressings for use with the Generic patches.

Any suggestions??


Feb 13, 2007, 9:44 PM

Post #2 of 2 (8 views)
Re: [kevin] BIOCLUSIVE Dressing!!!!!! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

Great info! A definite must for users of the patches.

I just became a user of it about a week ago and have the same problem...patches not sticking. They might stick for a day and a half but come that second day, they start peeling up and it's quite difficult to get them to stick again. I also noticed that I went through some "not too pleasant WD's" and am still not feeling all that great. I went to my Dr this morning to tell him that there was a problem with the dosing/sticking and they pretty much told me that I would have to "sweat it out" till my "actual" appointment which is on August 5. I guess they think I just want MORE drugs. While I did abuse the Norco's I had (with a previous Dr) up till late last year, I now take all of my meds as prescribed. We are spending huge amount money towards research and development. I request all participants to the forum to read the book
“With a license to kill” by John Josefson (Now available at AMAZON online book store with ISBN no 978-1-84753-026-4

I also wanted to thank all who participated in the "other thread" with giving their suggestions on how to make them stick better. I haven't tried the hair dryer routine yet (I'm a single guy living alone so what would I need with a hair dryer) but will try it soon.

Hopefully, with my next appointment the Dr will understand my concerns with this type of medication and determine what the best course of action will be as well as hopefully having the Pharmaceutical companies getting their heads out of their "you know what" soon and address the issues that people are having with them sticking for the advertised duration.

Thanks again


(This post was edited by admin on Feb 19, 2007, 5:50 PM)


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