New User
Aug 19, 2005, 1:54 AM
Post #1 of 1
Zappers DO alleviate most acne, and they also work for bletharitus (not sure on the spelling) which is an acute and painful condition of the eye. It is now known that this disease can be caused by the demodex mite (which can also provoke severe acne), and the zappers are the most effective treatment on the market for either of these conditions. (I have been a researcher in alternative medicines for 30 years now, and I am speaking from both first and second hand experience as well as research into products that work. The person negating the zappers is uninformed and likely a troll sent in to dismiss the inexpensive alternatives for health. Zappers do not cause cancer-they are using a frequency inoccuous to humans but deadly to parasites. Souljourn