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Zapper Cures Acne!
Home: Health Forum Topics: Acne:



Anonymous Poster

Jun 18, 2005, 4:47 PM

Post #1 of 9 (2319 views)
Zapper Cures Acne! Quote | Reply

Hey ya'll!

I just wanted to let you know, I have had some huge results with using a parasite zapper. I zapped every day for about 4 days and my acne cleared up dramatacly. It normally is all the time bad, and I did not change my eating habits or anything else. Anyway, I didn't zap for 2 days in a row and I broke out last nignt. I have a lot of animals and am exposed daily to parasites, so I expect to have to zap regularly for a while until I can build some immunities. I am so happy to have something work!

The lowest cost zapper i've been able to find is the [Snipped for Spam]. They sell it for just $10 and the cheapest one else where is $49 I think. Anyway, I'd like to encourage you to try it and also get the Colliodal silver report because it's really helpful it clearing a breakout.

(This post was edited by bgilley on Aug 22, 2005, 11:43 AM)

Anonymous Poster

Jun 18, 2005, 5:25 PM

Post #2 of 9 (2318 views)
Re: [freelastchance] Zapper Cures Acne! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

I heard those caused cancer if used for a long time. You should throw it in the trash.

Anonymous Poster

Jun 18, 2005, 8:07 PM

Post #3 of 9 (2318 views)
Re: [freelastchance] Zapper Cures Acne! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

Oh, yeah. Just try some Neutragena face wash.

Anonymous Poster

Jul 11, 2005, 2:21 PM

Post #4 of 9 (2235 views)
Re: Zapper Cures Acne! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

I've heard that cell phones and sunshine cause cancer. Not likely, (though you may disagree). You are most certainly entitled to your own opinion, but I have not heard of any one dieing from using the Zapper, other then about two very undetailed reports. I would appriciate any evidence for the claim!

User / Moderator

Aug 11, 2005, 1:40 PM

Post #5 of 9 (1958 views)
Re: [freelastchance] Zapper Cures Acne! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

Hey freelastchance, how are you doing?

If your dog or cat (or other pet) passes anything unusual in its feces, SAVE IT! The best way to save such specimens is to pick them out of your pet's feces and put them into a container containing some alcohol (rubbing alcohol works fine) and will kill and preserve the specimen for your veterinarian to "see" what was in your pet's feces than to listen to your description of it. (Ohio State University Parasites and your pet)

Humans are infected by parasites, by ingesting fleas that are infected with the larval tapeworm. Althourg it is virtually impossible to eliminate completely the risk of getting a parasite from a pet (or other animal), even if you do not own a pet, compared to your chances of getting other diseases (or infections), the chances that you will get a parasite from your pet are very low, but there are several steps that you can take to decrease this risk (see parasites and your pets). (Ohio State University Parasites and your pets)

In most cases of acne, no tests are necessary. However, occasionally it is wise to obtain a swab from an acne lesion for microbiological examination and culture to determine whether bacteria, Gram negative bacteria or Staphylococcus aureus causing folliculitis, there are yeasts such as Pityrosporum ovale (Malasezzia furfur) causing pityrosporum folliculitis or seborrhoeic dermatitis, or there are fungi such as Trichophyton rubrum causing facial tinea. (Oakley Investigation in acne)
possibility of pregnancy, which would influence what treatment was appropriate, signs suggesting high levels of male sex hormones, excessive prolactin, and signs suggesting Cushing's syndrome. (Oakley Investigation in acne)

Once a causitive agent has been identified through investigation, a more direct approach can excellerate acne effective treatment. Oakley General principles of treatment) Links to DermNet's pages about acne, other follicular disorders and acne-like skin conditions may also be helpful. (Oakley Hormone changes in acne)

Voltage, of any duration, and frequency is not a recommended treatment for parasistic infections nor use on the skin or other organs - you will keep getting the virus back promptly - furthermore, parasistic infections usually have more severe consequenses when contracted by humans, not acne, for example, Ascris spp. which penitrate the tissues of the intestine and enter the bloodstream and then, into the lungs and molt into third stage juvenile. (Ohio State University Life Cycle of Ascris spp.) (Clark Electricity can now be used...) The Center of Disease Control's Division of Parasitic Diseases (DPD), they can provide information on parasitic diseases written for the public, by visiting the DPD Web site.

Ohio State University: Parasites and your pets

Dr. Amanda Oakley, MBChB FRACP: Hormone changes in acne
The New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated, 5/2005.

Dr. Amanda Oakley, MBChB FRACP: Investigations and tests
The New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated, 5/2005.

Dr. Amanda Oakley, MBChB FRACP: General principles of treatment
The New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated, 5/2005.

The Center of Disease Control's Division of Parasitic Diseases (DPD)

Ohio State University: Life Cycle of Ascris spp. (Ringworms of Humans and Pigs)

Dr. Hulda Clark: The Dr. Clark Zapper

Best wishes,

Best wishes,
The Prison Hospital

Prisoner: Look here, doctor! You've already removed my spleen, tonsils, adenoids, and one of my kidneys. I only came to see if you could get me out of this place!

Doctor: I am, bit by bit.

-- Aha! Jokes

(This post was edited by bkdaniels on Aug 11, 2005, 1:59 PM)

User / Moderator

Aug 20, 2005, 12:23 PM

Post #6 of 9 (1534 views)
Re: [freelastchance] Zapper Cures Acne! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

In Reply To
I've heard that cell phones and sunshine cause cancer. Not likely, (though you may disagree). You are most certainly entitled to your own opinion, but I have not heard of any one dieing from using the Zapper, other then about two very undetailed reports. I would appriciate any evidence for the claim!

Acne is the result of a disorder of the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands). It has nothing to do with parasites, viruses or bacteria which is what this "Zapper" product is promoted to control. Also, although colloidal silver is not harmful for a short period of time, regular use of it causes an uncontrolled increase in its concentration which is in fact, harmful. By simply making a change for the better in your diet, you can obtain the same results as this Zapper offers. I agree with Melinda's comments.

By the way, the sun itself does not cause cancer, the UV rays do. The use of cell phones do not cause cancer. The FDA has zero proof of the association between using a cell phone and the development of brain tumors - the exposure to RF levels are too low to qualify as a risk.

Anonymous Poster

Sep 7, 2005, 8:37 PM

Post #7 of 9 (934 views)
Re: [freelastchance] Zapper Cures Acne! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

Acne can strike at any age, it can be caused by stress, a hormone imbalance, pollutants, a poor cleansing routine or hereditary. Zap-it!®, with both tea tree oil and Salicylic acid (which is naturally found in several plants, such as willow, birch and wintergreen) is a safe treatment for those skin conditions that need the dead scaly skin removed so that the natural ingredients can penetrate to work more effectively

New User

May 25, 2006, 3:29 PM

Post #8 of 9 (798 views)
Re: [linda] Zapper Cures Acne! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

I dont think i like the sound of this zapper. Its kind of like people who buy that ab belt that uses electrical impulses to contract the abdominal muscles. Why use this when you could just eat better and do actual phsyical execise!

Acne resource to help you get back your clear skin

(This post was edited by admin on Jun 7, 2006, 8:36 PM)


Nov 23, 2006, 11:32 PM

Post #9 of 9 (638 views)
Re: [freelastchance] Zapper Cures Acne! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

I do not beleive in any odd ways of curing acne that an consist of generally a trap. If something is working for you in a gradual way, one should never be in a hurry to heal. That is where every commercial aspects works towards winning the game. and we are in a situation where we want all things fast: lose weight fast.. etc... lose acne fast... etc..
I am actually following a treatment with accutane that i get from and i have decided to take my time not to huury with the treatment and make the same errors as in the past with other treatments. I realised that there a time where somthing is written to happen but untill then patience is the key....
remind me of myself please...
rememberance is the secret of being yourself


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